Friday, July 24, 2015

Craft Store Haul!!

I don't love anything more than craft store shopping...(Well maybe my husband and kids....but that's still debatable....wink wink) 

I spent roughly $26.51, which is actually a great deal! 

**Craft store tip**

You can sign up for text coupons from Joann's, most the time I don't use them but I was glad that I didn't delete it. I get a text about every week or two with a coupon and I was so glad that I checked my phone when I went today because I had a coupon for 50% off any 1 regular priced item!! So I chose the Bernat Holidays yarn, it was originally $10.99 and I got it for 5.50!! I am gonna make some cute Christmas Potholders and dish cloths for Christmas presents. Joann always has great coupons and even great clearance items!

The Fimo clay was originally $3.49 but was on clearance for $1.74!! Which was great because I needed some to make handles for my crochet hooks and I'm glad that I went to Joann's before I headed over to Wal-mart and would have paid full price.

I went to Hobby Lobby to see if they had anything good and was just about to leave empty handed when I decided to Google and see if they had any online coupons and to my luck there was one for 40% off! What?!? So I bought the Yarnology G Hook, it was $3.49 and I got it for $2.26!! I have been wanting to try these hooks for the longest time but I am cheap and never got around to buying one. Even though I bought the clay to make handles for my crochet hooks I mainly wanted to use the clay for my smaller hooks so it won't hurt my fingers when I am making small projects. Plus who would ever turn down a new crochet hook??

The peaches and cream was full price, but I have been wanting to get some for some cool projects to come!

**Be on the lookout, I will be doing reviews on some of these items and also will be sharing my projects**
❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️Goodnight from Mommy Knots. ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A little bit about me.

Hey there! I got nominated to do a post to answer questions about myself from Mistle over at Sweet Tea and Hydrangeas. This should be interesting....;)

1. What inspired you to start a blog?
     I have been reading blogs and watching vlogs ever since I had my second child almost 4 years ago and I just loved moms being able to give and get advice! I felt like I had a story to tell, didn't know if anyone cared to listen but hey what can ya do?!? haha.

2. Where are you originally from?
     I am originally from the suburbs of Chicago born, raised and still live here...for now anyway.
3. What do you like to do for fun?
     I like to do crafts with my kids, paint, sew , crochet.
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
     Paris, I have always wanted to go there since I was a child. 
5. What is your long-term goal for your blog?
     My long term goal for my blog is to have more viewers and meet some great people! 
6. What are two of your most popular posts?
     My most popular post is the one I wrote about ADHD, 3 kids with ADHD is stressful! 
7. What is your favorite tv show or movie?
I am a sucker for reality t.v........
8. What advice would you give to bloggers that are just starting out?
     Be yourself and talk about what you love. 
9. What is your favorite food?
    Chinese, I could literally eat it every single day. 
10. If you could listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?
       Miranda Lambert- Platinum
11. What is your favorite store to shop at?
                  Walmart and the Dollar tree for sure!!


 1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
 2. What is your least favorite household chore?
 3. Who is your idol?
 4. What do you like most about blogging?
 5. Winter or Summer?
 6. What is your favorite book?
 7. What app do you use the most on your phone?
 8. What is your biggest fear?
 9. Who is your favorite celebrity and why?
10. What do you love most?
11. Who is your favorite blogger?!?

If you tag me in your post email me and I will also edit this post and tag you after you complete the questions!!!!

Mommy Knots Out.....

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Our ADHD Journey.

I knew absolutely nothing about ADHD until this last year, and yes I was once one of those people that thought your kid just needed more discipline until BOOM my 15 year old daughter got diagnosed then BOOM my 6 year old daughter got diagnosed and now we are waiting on my 2 year old son to be diagnosed, which there is not doubt that he has ADHD. It hits you like a wall, having one child with ADHD is hard enough but 3?!? It impacts them all in different ways and you have to maneuver through life figuring out how to handle each child and how it impacts there life. How do you figure out if they are acting up because of the ADHD  or just because they are being bad?!? ADHD is so much more than kids not being able to pay attention which for a lot of kids that is the main problem but it also can impact their moods and relationships. When my 15 year old daughter got diagnosed it all made sense, she had always done not that great in school, didn't pay attention and just gave up so easy.  I don't know why it took so long but once she was prescribed Adderall she did a complete turn around. She went from D's and F's to straight A's! She became more confident and started to love school.

My 6 year old we have been so far able to function without medication, when school starts again we are going to set up an IEP so she has resources to help so we can go without meds as long as possible. She was always extremely smart and when the ADHD started to impact her learning I was so devastated. They said she was below average in school and I knew that was not possible because she would come home from school and breeze through the work like nothing. Her memorization is unbelievable and she picks up stuff so quickly. The teacher was just not equipped to help her the way she needed and now that I know more I can make sure she gets what she needs to exceed.

My 2 year old son that will be 3 in a few months, well I don't see many other options for him. I do not want to medicate him until he can tell me whether or not he feels OK on it and right now he cannot do that. So we are going to try every option possible before medication. He is a constant ball of energy and you might think that is normal for young boys, but it has impacted his speech. He has gotten hurt because of it, he doesn't pay attention to what he is doing just runs runs and is loud and intense always. Instead of him focusing and pronouncing words he just spits out whatever and you can't understand him, he is super smart though and I am terrified that the ADHD will impact his learning.

The 2 most important things for an ADHD child is a proper diet and a strict structured environment. It took awhile before some family understood why I would be so strict with what the kids eat and with discipline but it really helps so much. My life is my kids and they come before anything, their happiness and education is first before anyone or anyone's feelings. Because I am a young mom I do get judgement, people think because I'm young that I must not discipline my kids and I must feed them out of a box and can. Or I am mean because I don't let them drink pop and eat packaged snacks. It's a lose lose so I just do what I know is right.

The best advice I have for anyone going through this is stick to your guns, research as much as possible and just do what you feel is the best for your kids because your the ONLY one that knows.

I also highly recommend this book. It gives you very good advice and even a meal plan and recipes to get you started! 

I would love to hear anyone's stories about their journey or experience with ADHD!

Jay Gordon's Website

My Facebook